Mr Parker - Release notes
Our themes are updated regularly in order to ensure that when Shopify release a new feature our merchants may benefit from it. Updating your theme is optional and will come with its own hurdles where theme versions currently do not update automatically or inherit code from older versions.
Below you will see a history of theme versions and release dates including bug fixes, major rebuilds and minor style edits.
Current theme version: v10.1.1, released 01/30/2025
v10.1.1 - 01/30/2025
Mr Parker v10.1.1 Removes a deprecated font from the Locker preset and includes fixes for known bugs.
Fixes and other improvements
- We fixed an issue with the Dynamic Checkout buttons appearing disabled on the product page.
- We fixed an issue with the footer language selector position on mobile devices.
- We fixed an issue with missing translations for some html title elements.
- We fixed an issue with filter titles wrapping to the incorrect start point when titles are long.
- We fixed an issue that prevented the gallery caption fonts from scaling down on mobile devices.
- We have replaced a deprecated font from the Locker Preset.
- We added additional padding to the store messages section.
v10.1.0 - 12/13/2024
This release fixes known bugs and removes any Monotype fonts that are assigned to demos and presets.
- We added a new option to allow product gallery content to adapt to a height instead of using a fixed height.
- We added a setting to have the filters sidebar opened by default or not.
- We added a global setting to specify whether matching text in the Predictive Search results are shown highlighted or bold.
- We introduced a new header setting that automatically displays menu items with nested submenus as a mega menu instead of a dropdown list. Custom block mega menus will still take priority over the default ones.
- We introduced a mobile height setting in the Collection Header and Image with Text Overlay section for enhanced flexibility and responsiveness.
- We introduced a mobile height setting in the Collection Header section for enhanced flexibility and responsiveness.
- We added an option to the Logo List section to display either a single item or two items per row when viewed on mobile.
- We changed the cap on collection page filters to 5000 products.
- We updated the mega menus to appear on menu items with any level of nested submenus, whereas previously, they required more than one level.
- We enhanced the Video Slide block in the Slideshow section to support the latest Shopify-hosted video setting.
- We changed the dates that appear in the theme's Blog template and Featured Blog section to ineherit the date format through the theme content editor.
- We adjusted the cart quantity input to ensure products are not removed when the quantity reaches 1.
- We have removed the "Only show products in results" setting as it can now be controlled via the Shopify Search and Discovery app.
- We have removed the logout icon and text from the announcement bar, as they are already accessible on the main account page.
- We removed the "background image position" setting from the Maps section so that the image will simply cover the available space.
Fixes and other improvements
- We fixed an issue for the Slideshow, Gallery, Background Video and Image with Text Overlay sections where the the background opacity setting was not working.
- We fixed the "clear results" button from the search results page from clearing the results search term.
- We resolved an issue with product tabs that caused broken tabs to appear when the tab header or content was left empty.
- We improved the handling of the quantity buttons inside the product cart.
- We resolved the issue with missing styles for the error message displayed in the cart.
- We resolved the issue of missing translations for orders on the customer account page.
- We enhanced the mobile navigation accordion by making the entire width clickable for a more intuitive and seamless user experience.
- We resolved issues with the structured data for articles, ensuring improved accuracy and compliance with best practices.
- We expanded the availability of the Banner Image section to all templates, excluding the product and index pages.
- We resolved an issue where the mailing popup displayed incorrectly on mobile devices.
- We enhanced the spacing for the "Links with Image" mega menu item for a cleaner and more polished appearance.
- We resolved an issue where the "Add to Cart" button failed to function unless both the "variant block" and "quantity block" were present.
- We resolved an issue where the Page Header section on Collection and Search pages appeared as a parallax effect, even when the setting was disabled.
- We updated the theme presets by replacing deprecated fonts with newly available options.
- We resolved an issue where the Store Availability block failed to appear when the Product Quantity and Product Variant blocks were omitted.
- We resolved an issue where bottom padding was appearing in the Editorial Columns and Newsletter section, despite the padding setting being set to zero.
- We resolved the issue where the Product Customizations block incorrectly displayed a red outline even when the value was valid.
v10.0.0 - 03/05/2024
We have removed all code references to Shopifys product reviews app which will cease functioning on May 6th 2024. Follow Shopifys documentation to migrate to another app.
- We have removed all code associated with the Shopify reviews app as part of a mandatory Shopify update.
- We added an option to the Gift card section that allows for a custom gift card image.
- We added an option to show store policies in the footer.
- We added a quantity selector to Gift card products.
- We added a size to swatch images to help their appearance on product pages.
- We added Flickr, LinkedIn, and Vimeo to the social icons links.
- We added support for Shopifys native video picker in video and background video sections.
Fixes and other improvements
- We have changed the free shipping countdown to be disabled by default for first install.
- We fixed a missing translation for "or" in the shopping cart.
- We fixed an issue with rich text content bullet points not nesting correctly.
- We fixed an issue with the shopping cart icon not centering content on mobile.
- We fixed an issue with the mobile cart icon being squashed when cart is set to page only.
- We fixed an issue with the newsletter popup going off screen on mobile.
- We fixed an issue with the slideshow presenting navigation icons when only 1 slide exists.
- We fixed an issue with missing translations in the product pickup availability section.
- We fixed an incorrect German translation for "From".
- We fixed an issue with color filters where clicking on the label next to the color swatch did not select its relevant filter.
- We fixed an issue with the scrolling marquee section that caused sluggish scrolling on mobile devices.
- We fixed an issue withing recently viewed products which prevented products from translating correctly.
- We fixed an issue with extra long mobile menu items extending off screen.
- We fixed an issue where quotation marks and other keyboard charachters could cause issues when loading variants.
- We have updated recommended image sizes for sections that support large full screen images.
- We fixed an issue with missing feedback when resetting the account login password.
v9.3.1 - 03/28/2024
This release adds support for the new Shopify product and filter color swatch feature, along with fixes for any known bugs.
- We added support for products and filters to use Shopifys new color swatch feature.
- We added a theme setting to allow merchants to determine which options should be displayed as color swatches.
- We added support for a skip link to better navigate the store using the keyboard.
- We added an image ratio option to blog images to improve the appearance of uneven image sizes
Fixes and other improvements
- We fixed an issue with Mobile navigation search results not translating correctly.
- We fixed the collection and search sidebar to not display until activated.
- We fixed an issue with the cart item count not displaying in the header on mobile devices.
- We fixed an issue with expand/collapse accordion headings not retaining their height and appearing squashed.
- We fixed an issue with the dynamic checkout button redirecting.
v9.2.1 - 01/25/2024
Mr Parker v9.2.1 includes fixes for bugs found since our previous theme update.
Fixes and improvements
- We fixed an issue with missing alt text on currency country flags
- We fixed an issue with the vertical alignment of product image thumbnails
- We fixed an issue with product quantity breaking on manual input
- We fixed an issue with inconsistent cursor display on collection sorting dropdowns
- We updated the gift card recipient form to include a date picker
- We added a cookie to the collection sidebar toggle to remember settings
v9.2.0 - 11/13/2023
- We added support for metaobject swatches.
- We added support for Shopify's new "AND" / "OR" filter operators
- We added a section image picker to collection headers and removed support for an outdated shortcode hack as it is now possible to set a unique collection image with dynamic sources
- we added a payment icons block to the product page section
- we have updated all images across the theme to use fetchprioity where appropriately placed within the first section
- We updated the Twitter social icon to the new X variant
- We updated all sections to allow for wider usage across the theme and included all sections for use with metaobjects
- We updated the show sizes option on product grids to appear when 1 or more variants
- We updated the themes stylesheet to comply with Shopify minification requirements
- We improved the tag spacing on the article page
- We changed the email popup to show on mobile
- We updated text alignment settings to use the new text_alignment shopify input setting
- We have updated the scrolling marquee section to include blocks for multiple messages and icons for decoration
- We added a show country flag option to the selected currency
- We changed the image gallery and editorial content to allow for naturally sized images as well as fixed sizes
Fixes and improvements
- We fixed an issue that shows "Default title" in product pickup availability when no variants exist
- We fixed an issue with the colors of the shipping estimate and note background shopping cart accordions
- We fixed an incorrect Spanish translation for sale
- We fixed an issue with gift card images not printing
- We fixed a missing translation in the customer login buttons
- We fixed an issue that prevented dynamic checkout buttons from displaying
- We fixed the underlines for share links on the article template
- We fixed an issue with error handling for required product customization fields
- We fixed an issue that prevented multiple customizations from being applied to one product
- We fixed an issue with the documentation link for product pros and cons linking to an inaccessible location
v9.1.0 - 05/02/2023
- We added support for Gift Card Recipients feature that allows you to email Gift Card products to a recipient.
- We added the follow on Shop button
- We added an option to show the announcement bar on mobile
- We added support for product customizations with line item properties
Fixes and improvements
- We updated the language on the slideshow mobile option for caption background to make it more clear
- We added a prev-next button option to store messages section
- We fixed an issue with the layout of collection filters when swatch only is selected
v9.0.0 - 03/10/2023
Fixes and other improvements
- We fixed an issue that prevented the Recently Viewed section from appearing in the Theme Editor.
- We fixed an issue with mobile slide images appearing within tablet screen sizes
- We fixed an issue that prevented the carousel showing in the featured collection section
- We fixed an issue with product variant selection when variant option is named quantity
- We fixed an issue that prevented custom product variant swatch images displaying in the collection grid
- We fixed an issue that prevented text editor unordered lists from formatting a 2nd level correctly
- We fixed an issue in collection filters that caused a delay in page load
- We fixed an issue with the background video caption positioning
- We fixed the collection filters to load automatically closed on tablet
- We added support for header and footer section groups.
- We improved the Predictive Search feature to support new query suggestion resources.
- We added a checkbox to the main article section to enable or disable the article featured image
v8.8.0 - 12/14/2022
Mr Parker v8.8.0 Includes bug fixes, theme improvements and support for image focal points
- We changed the scrolling marquee to show full page width
- We have replaced javascript image lazyloading in favor of more performant browser controlled lazy loading
- We have replaced all Shopify liquid image tags with newer more performant option
Fixes and other improvements
- We fixed a broken german translation for select an option
- We fixed an issue that prevented complementary products from showing in subsequent sections
- We fixed an issue with the height of the mobile navigation
- We fixed an issue with mobile image captions not showing as intended
- We fixed an issue with button text sizes on mobile
- We fixed an issue with collection sorting being reliant on the presence of filters
v8.7.0 - 10/04/2022
Mr Parker v8.7.0 Includes an update to product recommendations
- We added a new product block that displays complementary products
- We added a screen effect option to the collection list grid item titles
- We added an image overlay option to the collection list grid item images
- We added a checkbox to collection lists allowing merchants to choose between 2 or 1 per row on mobile
- We added a checkbox to the main collection page allowing merchants to choose between 2 or 1 per row on mobile
- We added a scrolling marquee text section
- We added a background video section
- We edited the product recommendations section to use the related products intent
- We changed the mobile show / hide collection filter option to be usable on desktop also
Fixes and other improvements
- We fixed an issue with predictive search results overflowing the page width
v8.6.0 - 09/21/2022
Mr Parker v8.6.0 includes small issues fixes left over from the v8.5.0 update.
- We added the ability to show or hide blog tags on the blog and article pages.
- We added information on how the theme's Free Shipping Countdown does not support multiple currencies.
- We added a Pros and Cons list block to the product and featured product sections.
- We changed the contact template so that the form spans the entire grid width when there is no page content.
- We removed the "product rating" block from the featured collection section.
- We removed the top margin on the product content for tablet devices.
- Fixes and other improvements
- We fixed the size of the related product block's "Add to Cart" button.
- We fixed the placement of the cart links.
- We fixed an issue when using the "sort by" collection page filter would remove the sidebar filters.
- We fixed the size chart icon not being clickable on iOS.
- We fixed the province selector not appearing on customer account pages.
- We fixed an issue where mobile slideshow image would not appear if there was no caption.
- We fixed an issue with the gift card image appearing outside the grid on mobile.
- We fixed the product page size chart not clicking on iOS devices.
- We fixed the "brand" property for product structured data.
- We fixed the mega menu navigation that would limit to only showing the first six menu items.
- We fixed the videos in the slideshow section to maintain the same height as images.
- We fixed the "store messages" section appearing as an unstyled block by fading it in on page load.
- We fixed the guide link in the Collection Header section to redirect to the correct documentation.
- We improved the accessibility for product and cart quantity buttons.
- We fixed an issue with the icon shrinking when using the "Text with Icon" block.
- We increased the shopping cart icon size for tablet devices
- We added some structure and style improvements to the breadcrumb links
- We updated the image gallery to include an image height range slider for mobile and desktop
- We updated the editorial columns to remove the mandatory image and make this optional
- We updated the editorial columns to include an image height for mobile and desktop
- We added logic to the editorial columns section to allow centered content for a single block
- We added style improvements to slide and carousel buttons to improve consistency
v8.5 - 04/28/2022
Mr Parker v8.5.0 introduces new product blocks for a more customizable theme experience and adds accessibility improvements throughout the theme. This update also includes as well as various other improvements and fixes.
- We added ADA improvements to the theme to make it more accessible.
- We added onboard content to new featured product blocks so that a merchant can preview features without having products in the store.
- We ensured that the featured product section has all the same functionalities as the main product template.
- We added new product block sections such as Variant picker, Price, SKU, Quantity, Pickup availability and more, allowing a more customizable theme experience.
- We added best practice information on menu settings.
- We added a store messages section to show rotating messages store wide.
- We added release notes to the theme so that merchants can be informed of what changes appear in a theme release.
- We added alternative appearance options to collection color filters.
- We added a size chart option to the product page variant picker.
- We added Italian to pre-configured theme languages.
- We added a product list section with support for metafields allowing for selection of related products per item.
- We added a contact form section making it easier for merchants to add forms to pages and other content.
- We added language and currency selectors to the mobile navigation menu for easy access.
- We added a related products block to the product page and featured product sections allowing unique related products per item
- We changed the collection sidebar filters to be open by default for easier collection filtering.
- We updated the currency selector disclosure to use countries instead for the Shopify markets update.
- We changed the image with text section to allow for blocks and multiple images.
- We improved the styles for slideshow slides and improved options for easier use.
- We made some minor style adjustments to the image gallery section.
- We changed the position of product enlarged image navigation buttons for easier mobile usage
- We updated navigation to automatically show megamenu if link level beyond 2
- We updated large dropdown menus of 10 or more to split to 2 columns
- We added minor style improvements to theme loading animations.
- We improved design and added an alternate simple option to the newsletter popup
- We removed the transition when hovering off the mega menu with the mouse.
Fixes and other improvements
- We fixed an issue with collection page pagination where a filter would not carry over to subsequent pages.
- We added a script to make embedded YouTube videos inside the Rich Text Editor responsive on mobile devices.
- We fixed product grid badges from appearing over each other.
- We fixed the collection page price filters to not be as buggy.
- We fixed an issue where blog images section links reloaded the page instead of navigating to the link.
- We fixed the video block in the slideshow section to play on mobile devices.
- We fixed an issue where the magnifying glass on the product gallery only opened the first product image.
- We removed broken documentation links for the product rating block.
- We fixed a bug in the featured collection section that would show an empty space if the number of products in the collection matched the "products per row" setting.
- We removed the hover capabilities for product grid images on mobile. This circumvents the user having to double click to open a product page.
- We fixed the product gallery thumbnails when set to bottom to span across the whole width of the screen on tablet devices.
- We fixed an issue where the product quickview would flash the previous product quickview before rendering the current one.
v8.4 - 01/14/2022
- Enhance scroll snap for image gallery
- Fix: Comma in price slider is displaying the wrong price
- Fix: Mailing popup runs on form submit
- Fix: Map section only works once per page
- Fix: 8.3 Collection List doesn't resize image to Collection image ratio if 0 products in collection
- Fix: Account/Register and Account/Reset page is missing formatting
- Fix: Recently viewed section breaks when featured collection section is present
- Fix: Bad escape sequence error on product structured data
- Fix: Editorial Column & Rich Text Section has paragraph text hard coded
- Fix: Blog tag isn't linking to page - getting 404
- Fix: When Gallery Layout "Scroll Gallery" Arrows overlap on left side of image when size of screen reduced
- Fix: Gallery button text wraps outside button container when too long
- Fix: Blank image appears when sharing product URL
v8.3 - 10/05/2021
Add the predictive search feature, EU tax feature. Fix known bugs.
- Add tax info to product page for EU legislation
- Add predictive search feature
- Fix store availability when one variant has no pickup
- Homepage Newsletter section off-center when Global > Ultra wide width is selected
- New Filters - When swatch color is two words the url to correct
- Price filter range slider not displaying in decimals
- Firefox - Placeholder text color of select dropdowns on varies
- Fix recently viewed section
v8.2 - 09/10/2021
The purpose of this version was to quickly fix an issue with theme.js throwing an error on Safari causing scripts to not run.
- Fix safari regular expression issue
- Update to version 8.2 for changes
- Fix multiple accordion
v8.1 - 09/07/2021
The main purpose of this release was to add required updates by Shopify and fix any known bugs.
- Update support.weareunderground urls
- Update to add product rating block and product grid support
- Fix zoom button and media icons
- Fix mailing popup when delay set to 0
- New add custom liquid section
- Fix app section for full width
- Fix customer accounts sidebar logout link
- Update to add filters on search and price slider
- Update to version 8.1 for changes
- Fix focus status on slideouts
v8.0 - 08/19/2021
The main purpose of this release was to support Online Store 2.0 - Sections Everywhere and support the new core Shopify filtering. We also used the opportunity to tackle the following bugs…
- Fixed collection grid secondary hover product images which were not lazy loading #270
- Fixed cart container in header pulling body text color, not announcement bar text color #266
- Fixed quickview add to cart not working when cart type "Page Only" #244
- Replaced all font awesome icons with SVG
- Now supports TikTok and Etsy social accounts, but removed Weibo
v7.5.3 - 2021-06-25
The purpose of this update was to add new functionality and add some upgrades to the existing theme design.
Update / Add
- Add 5-6 column grid for collection list items
- Add parallax scrolling to image with text overlay
- Improve display options for collection grid items
- Add Focus style to header search
- Add more vertical space to mobile navigation links
- Make Gallery mobile swipe optional
- Split collection page to include sections for header and sidebar
- Add logo list section
- Add store search section
- Increase button and input sizes
- Add optional margin-bottom 0 to full width sections
- Add Editorial text columns with images
- Update styles for Image carousel buttons
- Update footer blocks with width options
- Fix issue with section borders
- Fix Feat Blog onboarding styles
- Improve Product title space, remove constraints
- Fix Feat Product enlarge image bug
- Fix setting to hide thumbnails when set to 0
- Fix alignment issue for caption on image with text section
- Fix issue with mobile logo width
- Fix bug with
icon displaying full width - Fix link style in RTE to underline
- Fix issue with product grid styles overriding Collection grid selections
- Fix mobile cart count spacing
- Remove hardcoded font size from Accordion headers
- Fix quick view button color
- Add header spacing for logo ( padding-top)
- Fix nav down arrow position
- Fix spacing on social icons
- Remove unwarranted settings
- Remove unused CSS
- Improve Newsletter style and content spacing
- Clean up product page settings, remove border option
- Tidy up Availability styles
v7.5.2 - 2021-04-30
This update saw the addition of the Shoppay. Payment installments banner
v7.5.1 - 2021-03-30
The purpose of this update was to remove liquid from the stylesheets and update current bugs.
- Remove liquid from stylesheet.css.liquid
- Fix structure data issue
- Fix swatch hover issue
- Fix drop down navigation on touch devices
- Fix shipping calculator translations
- Update theme version 7.5.1
- Homepage horizontal scroll issue
- Background hover on section title
- Fix CSS swatch colors issue
- Full width account login buttons
v7.5.0 - 2021-03-08
The purpose of this release was to completely remove Jquery dependency and a major update for performance increases.
- Update accordions to use WAU.Accordion and replace jquery
- Update newsletter popup to remove jquery
- Update ajax cart to use new cart
- Update product Quickview to new version
- Add closing for MP4 video
- Change slideshow code to handle video on "init" and on "change"
- Fix custom pages 2 - 4 to use "accordion" and not "new accordion"
- Fix background color issue
- Update stylesheet to use CSS variables
- Add resizing variables for theme settings on mobile
- Replace jQuery sticky product form with JS Stickybits
- Update font sizes for theme settings removing H4 + H5
- Replace product enlarge galleries with Photoswipe
- Update photoswipe nav to follow Mr Parker styles
- Update disclosures for theme JQuery removal
- Update theme sections JS
- Update shipping calculator styles to follow theme specifics
- Match shipping calculator JS with Testament
- Move Lazysizes to theme.js
- Fix cart button alignment
- Update collection page sidebar to use JS Helper
- Update locales for Ajax cart update
- Update password template to follow loading sequence from theme.liquid
- Style header cart links to change appropriately with mobile settings.
- Change carousel arrow terminology in theme settings
- Update swatches and product theme settings to share options
- Fix product listing swatches to show correct swatch color / image
- Correct Featured product for sticky form
- Update product Grid Add to Cart button to use new Ajax add
- Fix issue with missing icons
- Update Slideout and Modal for multiple button usage
- Fix Photoswipe index issue for different media types
- Fix product form label styles
- Fix product form label styles
- Fix cart alignment and spacing
- Fix newsletter and price alignment
- Update product quantity JS and styles
- Fix mobile layout for product form labels
- Update theme.liquid for quickview update
- Update product listing with new quick view button
- Add product quick view snippet
- Add preliminary styles for quick view modal
- Update product templates and form with BEM and grid for parity
- Update styles for product pages, to maintain parity
- Update product grid styles to follow new grid framework
- Update product grid in article template for new CSS grid
- Update product grid in custom pages
- Rework position of quick view button
- Update collection page product grid
- Update Collection grid classes with BEM
- Update Featured collection list with BEM
- Update Featured collection with BEM
- Update collection grid classes with BEM
- Update Collection grid classes with BEM
- Update styles and class names for Collections and Collection lists
- Update Custom page collection grid setup
- Update custom collection pages to follow new grid + BEM
- Update custom collection pages to use snippet and clean up text settings
- Revert section heading borders to settings as variables breaks width
- Update all image pickers to show suggested image size
- Rework grid wrapper width to ensure conformity to section widths
- Update customer accounts to use new modals
- Update modals for product page shortcodes
- Update product shared styles
- Update SKU to show only when content available
- Update contact page with BEM and utilize new CSS grid
- Fix double border issue in 404 template
- Fix product review grid alignment
- Fix unshown settings in product quick view
- Update page template to use CSS Grid + BEM
- Edit header padding to allow consistent width with theme content
- Change language on product form option for easier understanding
- Add ultrawide option for larger theme width
- Add improvment to Rich text section style, BEM + clean up CSS
- Correct CSS for ultrawide option
- Update gallery section to use CSS grid + BEM, improve options
- Fix issue with customer address modal
- Fix spacing for Zip and Country in address modal
- Fix color style for collection page top filters
- Fix customer reviews grid classes
- Clean up line height in rich text section
- Fix issue with font sizes for homepage gallery
- Wrap featured collection in row to make sure it fits mobile
- Update new buttons to follow rounded corner settings
- Change gallery nav icons to circular
- Update product form to remove jquery
- Update product gallery and media to remove jquery
- Update mobile nav sectionId to remove jquery
- Update collection and blog filters
- Update Map section to remove jquery
- Rename theme.js to remove liquid
- Update ajax cart icon event and update loading wrapper js
- Fix sku showing need important on hide
- Fix mobile scroll gallery on load
- Fix quickview button on mobile to hide
- Fix filter arrows in sidebar
- Fix filters button to be fully clickable
- Remove Accordion color settings to simplify usage
- Remove old newsletter popup theme settings
- Remove Google plus icon as it doesn't exist anymore
- Remove Facebook from Blog Sidebar
- Remove old Ajax cart, snippets, files, js & CSS
- Remove open quotes from scripts in theme.liquid
- Remove old MatchHeight JS - no longer in use.
- Removal of jQuery from theme.js
- Remove settings from Feat product for shared theme settings
- Remove unused scripts and snippets
- Remove .product class from recommended products ( not needed ).
- Remove odd border above product price
- Remove jQuery Fancybox
- Remove fancybox calls from theme.liquid
- Remove unused snippet
- Remove duplicated section class from Slideshow
- Remove page option from Rich text
- Remove custom-section class as it has no CSS rules applied
- Remove old liquid.js file
- Remove polyfill for ie11 no longer needed
- Remove unused snippets
- Remove jquery library call
- Remove liquid from js
v7.4.0 - 2020-12-19
This version included pretty large changes. We tackled bugs, applied the new Surface Pickup feature, replace slideouts, updated all galleries to use Flickity, increased performance per Debut guidelines, made navigation a11y compatible, and updated sticky header.
New Surface Pickup (Store Pickup, Availability) Shopify feature. Issue #191
- Replaced slick slider and flexslider with Flickity. This changed the Slideshow and Featured Collection on the homepage and custom pages.
- Remove independent Video Slideshow section and added video ability to the regular slideshow.
- Replaced sticky js in sticky header with WAU solution.
- Replace slideout js with WAU solution, used on mobile nav, password page login, and store pickup slideout. Issue #218
- Updated mobile navigation to use blocks like testament and vantage.
- Update password page to use layouts to prevent editor errors.
- Improved performance per Debut example.
- Fixed AOS not allowing the new section to appear bug.
- Fixed the currency and language render bug.
- Fixed main navigation to be keyboard accessible.
v7.3.3 - 2020-11-06
The main purpose of version was to apply a small update to support new Shopify Subscriptions. Also fix known bugs.
Note that the subscription updates are intended to support apps that use Shopifys native checkout for billing
- Add subscription selling plan liquid to order page
- Apply bold to product title to match cart page
- Add handlebars for subscription selling plans to ajax template
- Add subscription condition to class on add to cart button
- Add new subscription selling plan liquid to cart page
- Add new subscription selling plan objects to ajax cart js
- Fix blog sidebar filter color
- Fix responsive image with data widths
- Fix twitter social share
- Fix swatch id's to be unique
v7.3.2 - 2020-09-23
The main purpose of version was to apply the Unit Pricing update required by Shopify and update the customer account pages.
- Add Unit pricing which is a legal req for Germany + France ( Price: $10.00 / $1.00 per 100ml )
- New design and layout of customer account pages
- New JSON-LD for structured data
- Fix broken filters from render update
- Fix spacing for Blog meta
v7.3.1 - 2020-09-11
The main purpose of version --- was to clear all known bugs and to update to the new render
call for snippets
- Added Structured Data snippet for JSON-LD
- Clean up of header options
- Clean up of theme settings
no longer used in favor ofrender
- Itemscope structured data elements from product pages
v7.3 - 2020-04-14
The main purpose of version 7.3 was to add Cross Border language and currency support and fix git issues and bugs.
- New translations for cross border Spanish, Portuguese, German, and French
- New lang and currency selectors in footer and header
- Change to version 7.3 for cross border
- Fix product recommendations when none
- Fix search image link
- Fix Flickity height issue
- Quick view creating space offset above header issue
- Fix styles for MR P specific cross border
- Fix product recommendation link for languages
- Remove Icon on product page below thumbs issue
- Remove old currency code
v7.2.1 - 2020-04-07
The main purpose of version 7.2.1 was to resolve bugs and issues
- Change to version 7.2.1 for update
- Change to more subtle focus state
- Update default options for text overlay
- Clean up slideshow options and styles
- Fix Space issues in header cart & account links
- Fix :after angle-down icon position
- Color setting was not removed from stylesheet in original fix
- Fix non-working background color setting
- Update home page featured product style
- Clean up arrangement of options
- Correct down icon position for accounts
- Update to include full width option
- Fix collection list banner image duplication
- Switch mobile styles to show 2 per row unless odd number of blocks
- Clean select button style to follow text color
- More button styles cleared
- Clean up layouts for product page
- Remove case for 1 variant to let data show
- Update default settings for button radius
- Rename setting for borders as vertical incorrect
- Fix Flickity button color
- Fix issue with breadcrumb showing product meta title instead of title.
- Change Keyboard focus style as required
- Change default arrow color
- Change product page defaults
- Default product recommendations to bottom and set to 4
- Remove description from default block - to remove tabbed style
- Remove default product page block presets
- Remove vendor option that doesn't work
- Remove font weight option
- Remove font size setting in product grid
- Remove case transform from footer titles
- Remove unrequired checkbox for announcement text
- Removed button drop shadow
- Remove font weight setting and organize options
v7.2 - 2020-04-02
The main purpose of version 7.2 was to add Product Media support for video and 3d models. It required us to change our product galleries to Flickity.
- New Product Media support with new product galleries
- New color settings for directional elements colors and focus element color
- New product quickview like all other themes
- Change to version 7.2 for update
- Change product grid setting to Global now has settings for
- Update product json for media
- Remove zoom plugin on product galleries using fancybox only now
- Remove recently viewed plugin which doesnt support product media
v7.1 - 2020-02-13
- Change - duplicate image when "image on right" on mobile issue
- Change - thank you message on popup when no captcha
- Change - slideshow mp4 video audio issue
- Change - accordion code on custom pages issue
- Change - slide text color on mobile issue
- Change - tablet main navigation tap issues with DoubleTap2Go issue
- Change - product grid add to use drawer and only show error on one
- Update to version 7 for multi-currency
- Remove all Instagram styles, js, and liquid
v6.9 - 2019-06-25
We chose to keep the same version number of 6.9 for merchants because this version was released immediately to fix an issue but technically it is 6.9.1
- position of megamenu
- inline logo header when centered
- Update preset for desk
- featured product throwing error when no product selected
v6.9 - 2019-06-21
The main focus for this version was to bugfix and apply the new Product Recommendations and Discount Automation updates
- New product recommendations per Shopify requirements
- New automated discount pricing applied in cart page, ajax cart, and orders page per Shopify requirements
- Change version to 6.9
- Change product json to use custom json as Vantage does
- init thumbnail error
- product grid on mobile using half class
- megamenu to be full-width
- currency picker width in mobile header
- color of image slider dots on rte slider issue
- audio on mp4 videos issue
- feature product swatch styles issue
- fixed mobile height issue on slideshows issue
- section heading link issue
- slideshow transition firefix bug issue
- slideshow/video mobile videos not showing issue
- extra currency code on order page issue
- instagram feed limit on custom pages issue
- instagram feed section docs link issue
- new slideshow when two shop the look sections issue
- shift box and underline box hover effect
- Remove duplicated video code
v6.8 - 2018-12-19
The main focus for this version was to bug fix
- Change version to 6.8
- Change collection filters on Firefox
- Change whitespace no wrap on collection list
- Change collection banner on Firefox
- Change account link in mobile menu
- Change heading links on homepage
v6.7 2018-12-17
The main focus for this version was to bug fix Mr Parker 6.5
- Change version to 6.5
- Change popup with discount when robot test activates
- Change collections list on mobile no wrap
- Change logo cut off on left when larger
- Change page contact form header
- Change padding height of collections list banner
- Change blank minicart by adding return false to mobile filters
- Change currency picker width
- Change QTY Box mobile cart
- Change quantity marign on mobile
- Change product page position css
- Change Instagram ending css tag
- Change Blog and Article on IE11
- Change css grid on IE 11
- Change swatch code for custom image
- Change product description height
- Change visited links color on mobile header
- Change position of social icons on product page
- Change borders on tab description box
- Change line height on logo text
- Change classic gallery slideshow for products
- Change link on feature collection heading
- Change mobile slider with classic
- Change mobile gallery js
- Change currency color on mobile header
- Change homepage blog posts class to ID
- Change setting for shipping calculator
- Change breadcrumbs on product when vertical gallery
- Change facebook like and intagram settings
- Change classic and mobile product galleries
v6.7 - 2018-12-19
The main focus for this version was to change the default of the Dynamic Checkout Buttons
- Change version to 6.7
- Change dynamic checkout button default to true
- Change lazysizes min for updated version
- Cleanup header styles for inline nav center logo
- Cleanup add I to mage on blog template
- Cleanup header styles for all scenarios works with IE11
- Fix dropdowns on ipad so they open without opening toplevel link
- Fix featured product description with shortcodes
- Fix bullet point formatting in rte-tab boxes
- Fix Navigation Dropdown on iPad with Double Tap To Go
v6.5 - 2018-10-26
The main focus for this version was to re-haul Mr Parker and improve mobile functions and add more features to support the fashion industry.
- New option vertical scrolling gallery with fixed product form
- New second button option on slideshows
- New rounded button option in global settings
- New section headings style options in global settings
- New slideshow w/video homepage section
- New notification bar for footer, header, or fixed footer
- New built in support for product reviews app by Shopify
- New shipping estimator in basic cart page
- New free shipping countdown box in basic cart page
- New discount code in both cart styles
- New customer notes accordion in both cart styles
- New blog sidebar with bio, tag filter, ads, recent articles, social icons, subscribe, and facebook
- New blog grid or list layout
- New blog instagram feed
- New blog promos
- New blog banner with caption
- New article layout with featured image, comments, and recent posts
- New advanced layout page templates 1-4
- New top level collection templates 1-4
- New custom contact form for contact page
- New Shop the Look homepage section
- New collections list template with featured collections, collection list with option to choose collections that show
- New AOS scrolling animations with global setting
- New advanced RTE stylesheets
- New mobile navigation content blocks image, nav, cart, search, text
- New megamenu and submenu option
- New split navigation with centered logo option
- New instagram spacing, and per row option
- New collection color filters based on tags and uses uploaded swatch images or css image
- New option to use variant image for product color swatches
- New product description shortcodes [#size][/size], [#video][/video], [#other][/other] that create content popups
- Change version to 6.5
- Change product content popups to product content tabs
- Change classic gallery to slick slider
- Change mobile gallery to slick slider
- Change breadcrumbs and pagination design
- Change screen width on large monitors
- Change font awesome from 4.1 to 5
- Change cart styles from tables to divs
- Change [banner] to [#banner_image][/banner_image] and [#banner_caption][/banner_caption]
- Change mailing popup for new design and discount code coupon
- Change product grid, collection grid, related product grid to CSS grid
- Change swatch files to be uploaded to FILES not ASSETS
- Remove collection page full width option
v6.4 - 2018-06-27
The main focus of this version was to fix all known bugs and update Shopify Payment Icons and GDPR.
- Add footer newsletter subheading for GDPR changes
- Add theme version log in JS
- Change password page message to richtext for GDPR update
- Change to version 6.4 for coming release
- Change payment method icons in footer for Shopify update
- Fix password page footer on mobile
- Fix padding around form on password page on mobile
- Fix announcement bar color when header positioned over slideshow
v6.3 - 2018-05-31
- New theme settings and pre-baked JSON to use new font picker
- New added product sku option to product page and sku switches on variant change
- Change to version 6.3
- Change newsletter subheading to richtext for GDPR requirements
- Fix featured product gallery when two on homepage
- Fix swatch values when special characters used "" ()
- Fix product zoom on IE
- Fix crossed out variant change for unavailable variants
- Remove footer title weight in favor of font picker heading weight global
- Remove absolute font weight values in favor or font picker bold / normal selections
v6.2 - 2018-05-03
- Change version to 6.1 for bugfixes
- Change all prices to include so span no longer needed in admin settings
- Fix currency picker with new product module
- Fix product price when on sale
- Fix Dynamic Payment Button Init to show only when activated
- Fix sticky header z-index on scroll
- Fix content area min-height
- Fix header over slideshow text color
- Fix blog article width
- Fix header text color on mobile
- Fix newsletter form confirmation
- Fix announcement bar line height on mobile
v6.1 - 2018-04-11
- New footer setting for showing or hiding credit card payment icons
- New product thumbnails now use bxslider carousel when four or more images
- New color setting for "NEW IN" tag on product listings
- Change version to 6.1 for bugfixes
v6.0 - 2018-04-04
The main focus of this version was to fix all known bugs, add responsive images, meet section parity requirements, and add smart payment buttons.
- New all images on theme now Responsive Images
- New javascript for product quick image gallery and product page image gallery
- New javascript product module to improve product form and swatches
- New map homepage section
- New newsletter homepage section
- New featured product homepage section
- New smart payments buttons with settings
- Cleanup spacing and formatting of theme.js and stylesheet.css
- Cleanup spacing,formatting, and IDs in settings schema
- Change theme presets to work with new changes
- Change version number
- Change header message bar to announcement bar per section parity
- Change featured-collections.liquid renamed to collection-list.liquid
- Change featured-image.liquid renamed to image-with-text-overlay.liquid
- Change featured-images.liquid renamed to gallery.liquid
- Change featured-products.liquid renamed to featured-collection.liquid
- Change image-width-text.liquid renamed to image-with-text.liquid
- Change featured-text.liquid renamed to rich-text.liquid
- Change featured-video.liquid renamed to video.liquid
- Change image with text overlay section by adding full-width option, default height, new overlay text, and made section element
- Change footer text size setting to a range picker
- Change header color settings to clarify, moved colors for header over content to header section settings
- Change zoom to only trigger on desktop
- Change section settings naming to be consistent across themes
- Fix mobile navigation sticky header Mobile navigation should not stick, fixed media query syntax in JS
- Fix password page styles and settings
- Fix mobile navigation inline on firefox by adding margin
- Fix sold out color by using setting instead
- Fix announcement bar color settings
- Fix swatches checkbox color to be visible on light colors
- Fix margin and padding on product listings buttons
- Fix 404 page language translation for contact form
- Fix product listing with add to cart button so any add to cart errors only show on the product being added and not others
- Fix footer social icon spacing
- Fix all images to work with or without JS
v5.3.2 - 2018-01-08
- New block info for sidebar blocks in collection page
- New header block settings for nested navigation update
- New header default bock setting for main menu
- New navigation block settings for nested navigation update
- New links in mobile drop down menu for top level links
- Updated collection sidebar accordion for nested navigation update
- Updated mobile navigation accordion for nested navigation update
- Updated navigation for nested navigation update
- Updated stylesheet for nested navigation update
- Fixed Instagram feed images in different sizes
- Fixed navigation dropdowns to open left
- Fixed Instagram feed images in different sizes
- Fixed navigation submenus on section load
- Fixed dropdown position by -1px
- Removed role from nav element